Liven up your interior with the right colour for every room

Colours bring fantasy into our lives. They stimulate our senses and are a key aspect in deciding whether or not we find something beautiful. More even, colours can influence our mood. Some shades make you happy whereas others inspire rest and relaxation. Are you planning to paint your living room, bathroom or bedroom in a fresh new colour? Some colours are better suited to specific rooms than others. So before you pick up your paintbrush take a minute to read a bit more about the psychological effects of colour.

Red or orange for energy and creativity

Red and orange are colours that fuel our enthusiasm. They remind us of sunny times, they have an invigorating effect and can even stave off depression! Still, all that good cheer has its downside as well. A room dominated by a fiery colour can have an aggressive or tiring effect. Go for a single colourful wall and paint the rest in soft earth tones or white. Such a striking wall is perfect for your home office to provide a creative boost when you need it the most. Or for the fitness room, to give you that extra edge.

Blue and green to unwind

Blue and green are synonymous with serenity, freshness and nature. These colours are an excellent choice for your bedroom because they are restful. They are also a good choice for your study because they help you focus but keep in mind that here, too, a combination with lighter colours is the ideal scenario. If not, a depressing feeling could worm its way into the room. That’s right, too much blue gives you the blues! 

Black or purple for a timeless look

Black and purple are not exactly at the top of your list for the living room or bedroom? That’s understandable because they are often associated with drama, sadness and grief. Still, if used with moderation these colours can boost the timeless elegance of a room. The mysterious hues absorb light and truly come into their own in a combination with opposite colours such as white or beige. Add subtle black accents to your bathroom or give your kitchen a retro touch with a purple wall.

White for a stylish feeling of space

Unsurprisingly, white is the most commonly used colour in interior design. White reflects light in an optimal manner, creating a feeling of openness. Actually, this makes white ideally suited to any space. On the other hand, white can come across as too harsh or tiring. You can avoid this by combining white with a bright contrasting colour or with pastels. As for furniture it’s also better to go for hues that project more warmth than your light-coloured walls. After all, life is not a black-and-white movie.

Picked your colour? Now all you need is the right floor! Discover which Parky parquet floors are a great fit for your colourful rooms. Discover all the wooden floors in the Parky range.

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