The painting room: all ’bout the Monet
Is the Van Gogh or Monet in you just waiting to pop out? Then you deserve your own studio. A room with high windows on the north side provides the perfect incidence of light for your masterpieces. A blue smudge here, a dab of yellow there…
Unfortunately paint splatters on the floor are inevitable. It’s a good thing all our floors have a waterproof top layer that cleans effortlessly after every painting session with nothing but a bit of water. Brushes at the ready? Paint away!
Music room: do, re, meet me there
How nice that your daughter has taken up the drums! Or is it? Do the neighbours and the rest of the family a favour and insulate the room thoroughly. Apply soundproofing material in the walls or simply cover the walls with convoluted foam.
With its badass appeal our Walnut veneer parquet makes the room as rock ‘n’ roll as you like. Not a drummer but a classical musician under your roof? Then add a stylish touch with a herringbone parquet.
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